What is YPI?
The Youth Peace Initiative (YPI) is a youth led organisation that promotes the inclusion of youth in peace and reconciliation processes. Established in 2014, YPI empowers youth to be partners in peace and to be recognised as such. YPI connects youth in (post-)conflict regions, engages youth in dialogue and capacity building activities, and creates a platform to advance inclusive peace.
A world in which youth is recognised and included as a partner, and engages in peace & reconciliation processes, contributing to achieving & maintaining sustainable peace.
To facilitate dialogue, knowledge, and capacity-building initiatives that connect and empower youth to be positive change-makers who advance sustainable peace.
Young people are often the majority of the population in countries with ongoing peace processes. Yet, young people’s leadership and roles in transforming conflict, preventing violence, radicalisation and extremism are not adequately emphasised upon.
Ensuring the active, systematic, and meaningful participation of youth in issues of peace and security is a demographic and democratic imperative. It is also a way of preventing mistrust in government institutions and armed conflict. Emerging evidence shows that youth participation can increase the legitimacy and sustainability of peace processes.