30 minute conversations with young inspiring peacebuilders

We are so excited to finally present to you our very first podcast episode! We could not have chosen a better guest for this first episode; Nevena Radosavljevic is a young peace practitioner and PHD student who is passionate about the intersection between peacebuilding and journalism. She is an eloquent speaker who gave us a lot of insight into what reconciliation means, what peace journalism is, and how she came about this particular career. Please give this episode a listen, it is definitely worth it!

Throughout the episode, Nevena refers to the infographics she made to illustrate her presentation. They appear in this order:

This infographic represents the different aspects of reconciliation. Peace, justice, mercy and truth are all part of the same flower as they are all necessary components of a successful reconciliation.

In order to make the process of reconciliation a more easily understandable one to people who have not experienced conflict, Nevena uses the example of reconciling a broken couple. This infographic represents the different steps in this reconciliation process.

Finally, this table shows the difference between peace journalism and war journalism.

If you are as interested in this topic as we are, Nevena suggested a few readings to go deeper into this material:

  • John Paul Lederach – Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies
  • John Paul Lederach – The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace
  • Johan Galtung – Peace by Peaceful Means
  • Jesse Benn –  From passive to active: The spectrum of peace journalism

Thank you so much again to Nevena Radosavljevic for an insightful conversation – we are inspired by your work and dedication! And to our listeners, make sure you follow our podcast for future episodes…

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