We are looking back! On November 3rd, 2022, the Youth Peace Initiative was invited to attend the 2022 Carnegie Wateler Peace Prize at the Carnegie Foundation – Peace Palace.
The Carnegie Wateler Peace Prize is awarded every two years by the Carnegie Foundation to an institution or a person who furthers the development of international peace. This year, the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) – a private diplomacy organisation based in #Geneva – was bestowed with the award, in recognition of their hard work in preventing, mitigating, and resolving armed conflicts through dialogue and mediation.

Moreover, on the occasion of the Peace Prize, YPI got to meet Rhea Mahanta, Youth Ambassador of the Peace Palace and winner of the 2021 Youth Peace Prize, bestowed by the Peace Palace, YPI, and Gemeente Den Haag. As a founder of The Peacebuilding Project, last year she was recognized for peacebuilding activities such as the Rohingya Literacy Program.