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▸ Currently we don’t have any open positions. Future opportunities will be posted on this website.

Become a Friend of YPI

In order to continue to support the great work of the world’s youth, YPI is dependent on contributions. Therefore the Board would like to invite you to become a Friend of YPI!

Why become a Friend of YPI?

By becoming a Friend of YPI, you:

  • Support international conferences and events on peace issues for youth in conflict areas
  • Support the YPI-Lecture series for university and high school students in the Netherlands
  • Receive early invitations to all of our public events
  • Encourage young adults to become peacemakers
  • Provide young people from conflict areas a place at the peace negotiation table

What does it cost?

In the past, individual donors have donated an average of €100. In order to become a Friend of YPI, a minimum donation of €25 per year is required.
This donation will allow you to be a Friend of YPI for one year from the moment you donate until the same date next year. You will receive a notification after one year with a request asking whether you would like to prolong your membership for another year.
The Youth Peace Initiative Foundation is recognized under the Dutch law and registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. Furthermore, YPI obtained the ANBI status, which recognizes the foundation as a Public Benefit Organisation.

What do I need to do?

You can become a friend by donating a minimum of €25 per year by:

  1. Authorising your bank to transfer a direct debit periodically to YPI’s bank account:
    NL26 INGB 0006 4366 66 t.n.v. Stichting Youth Peace Initiative, noting ‘Becoming a Friend’ or
  2. Fill in the form below.

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